LAW LIBRARY level 3: JV8252 .M633 2018
David Moffette, Governing Irregular Migration: Bordering Culture, Labour, and Security in Spain (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): K230.B5786 A348 2015
Brian H. Bix, Jurisprudence: Theory and Context (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2015).
LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KD1949 .C54 2018
Michael A. Jones et al, eds., Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, 22nd ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF1251 .E54 2016
David M. Engel, The Myth of the Litigious Society: Why We Don’t Sue (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016).