LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1401 .I5547 2017
Susy Frankel & Daniel Gervais, eds., Intellectual Property and the Regulation of the Internet (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2017).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3161 .L39 2019
Richard Albert., Xenophon Contiades & Alkmene Fotiadou, eds., The Law and Legitimacy of Imposed Constitutions (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019).
Online access:
LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585 .W47 2018
Laura Westra, Environmental Disasters and Land Grabs As Crimes Against Humanity (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD1642.T73 G73 2018
David Grant, Srephen Mason & Simon Bunce, Holiday Law: The Law Relating to Travel and Tourism, 6th ed. (London: Thomson Reuters, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3722.M3 G55 2018
John R. Gilmore et al., Cannabis in the Workplace (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3722.M3 M33 2018
Bruce A. MacFarlane, Robert J. Frater & Croft Michaelson, Cannabis Law (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3795 .B68 2018
Donald J. Bourgeois & Susan B. Campbell, The Law of Charitable and Casino Gaming, 2d ed. (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE8841 .S36 2018
Richard D. Schneider & Hy Bloom, Fitness to Stand Trial: Fairness First and Foremost (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB217 .F365 2013
Gerry Fanaken, Understanding the Condominium Concept : An Insightful Guide to the Strata Property Act (Coquitlam: Paige Condominium Services Ltd., 2013).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE7709 .M66 2018
Jean-Pierre Morin, Solemn Words and Foundational Documents: An Annotated Discussion of Indigenous-Crown Treaties in Canada, 1752-1923 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018).
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LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF250 .B39 2019
Mary Beth Beazley, Legal Writing for Legal Readers: Predictive Writing for First-Year Students, 2d ed. (New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2019).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF250 .R625 2019
Ruth Anne Robbins, Steve Johansen & Ken Chestek, Your Client’s Story: Persuasive Legal Writing (New York: Wolters Kluwer, 2019).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJE1620 .B78 2018
Gert Brüggemeier, Tort Law in the European Union, 2d ed. (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International B. V., 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJE6456 .B45 2018
David Bailey & Laura Elizabeth John, eds., European Union Law of Competition, 8th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU110.T75 A3 2018
Gillian Triggs, Speaking Up (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU540 .A54 2018
Renata Alexander, Family Violence in Australia: The Legal Response (Leichhardt: The Federation Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU740 .O64 2018
Denis SK Ong, Trusts Law in Australia, 5th ed. (Annandale: The Federation Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU1520 .A953 2018
Sonia Allan & Meredith Blake, Australian Health Law (Chatswood: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU2107.M56 L56 2018
Dylan Lino, Constitutional Recognition: First Peoples and the Australian Settler State (Annandale: The Federation Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU3702 .C59 2018
David Clark & Gerard McCoy, Habeas Corpus: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, 2d ed. (Annandale: The Federation Press, 2018).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ1234 .K84 2018
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl & Megan A. O’Brien, International Legal Research in a Global Community (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2018)
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ3410 .A445 2017
Frans A.M. Alting von Geusau, Neither Justice Nor Order: Reflections on the State of the Law of Nations, 3d ed. [Nijmegen]: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2017).
LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ6250 .W56 2018
Astrid Wiik, Amicus Curiae Before International Courts and Tribunals (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018).